
ALL THESE SERVICES ARE BY REFERRAL ONLY (You must be referred to become a client)

“The Body Awakener”


ATTENTION: Current/Retired Professionals & Athletes 

We know a medical doctor that lives by the following philosophy, “I work hard and play hard”. In other words, she puts a high level of energy into her work. And, she puts a high level of energy into personal pleasure and play. You also work hard AND HAVE PAID THE PRICE TO ENJOY PERSONAL PLEASURE. However, does your body sometimes not allow you to experience the level of pleasure and fun you deserve?


“The Body Awakener” is your wellness Solution!

This 45-minute treatment is not a massage or chiropractic care. It is a hands-on treatment that safely manipulates your connective tissue and joints.  Each client is fully clothed during the 45-minute treatment. “The treatment is well named. It feels like I released 10 years of stress. It was better than a massage. It was a deep-tissue penetrating, releasing treatment. I feel lighter. My knee is not hurting. My right ankle is tingling and it was hurting earlier today. This was an AWESOME treatment! I released so much stress and anxiety. My neck usually grinds when I turn it, but now it is not. My sinuses even opened up.”  ~Cylenthia LaToye Miller Give us 45-minutes and “The Body Awakener” will UNLOCK restricted movement in your body and release a feeling of a better well being.  The Body Awakener will yield positive results after the first treatment. And, unlike after a hard workout, “The Body Awakener” WILL NOT leave you in pain-but just the opposite.

You can Benefit with:  


*More Mobility

*Increased energy

*Relief from pain, stiffness

*Enhanced Positive Mood

*Increased range of motion in the joints

*Increased desire to exercise

*Improved blood flow

*Improved cellular health


After this ache & pain relieving wellness, your body will feel



The Body Awakener is conveniently offered in the comfort of your home or office.   We will “deliver” this unique service to your location throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area.  There is free “delivery” of this service for those residing within 25 miles from downtown Detroit, Michigan and $25.00 charge for those residing within a 50-mile radius from downtown Detroit, Michigan.  
All Payments MUST be made in full before the first session.  And, all sessions are 45-minutes in length.

 1 Body Awakener Session- $135.00


A gift for better health to yourself

One Person-6 Month Commitment

Choose One

One Person- 12 Month Commitment

Choose One